Rules and Regulations


Race Package Collection at the Event Centre

  • 12 December 2025 from 8:30 till 11:45 at the accreditation building at the JEŠTĚD SkyRace Event Centre
  • The number of registrations is limited by the number of participants for individual races.
  • Registrations are online. Registration at the Event Centre will be possible only upon Organizer’s consent.
  • Registrations will be closed on 5 April 2025 at 20:00 or until the race has been sold out. After this date, you can only register at the Event Centre upon Organizer’s consent.
  • The participant is registered in the race as soon as the entry fee has been credited on the race account.
  • The entry fee is not refundable and cannot be transferred to any other race. Nevertheless, it can be transferred to another participant.
  • All transfers to another participants will be done free of charge until 5 April 2025 at the following email address: After this date transfers may only be done at the Event Centre for CZK 100.
  • Due to logistic and personnel reasons, the organizer WILL NOT TAKE CARE OF the participants transfers.
    When signing in the race, all required information about the participant shall be filled in.
  • The longest (“Royal”) course may be entered only by participants aged 18 and older. Younger participants must submit parent’s or guardian’s consent (it must be presented in printed version upon race package collection) – The parent and/or guardian shall bear full liability for the minor.

Participants’ Mandatory Gear during the Race

To ensure participants’ safety and with regards to weather conditions that may occur in April, the following items are part of MANDATORY GEAR FOR ALL RACE PARTICIPANTS:

  • Fully charged mobile phone

Recommended Gear (especially for hobby runners)


  • 0.5 l of liquids (water, iso, etc.)
  • Energy gel or bar
  • Depending on weather conditions – running/trekking poles, anti-skid shoe covers, waterproof jacket, T-shirt with technical properties, long trousers, etc.

We advise ALL participants not to underestimate winter weather conditions, arduous nature and length of the course! All participants compete at their own risk and we strongly believe you have all acquired personal autonomy on the trails. The Organizer shall not provide for any collection buses you may know from city races.

Start and Moving on the Race Course

  • Each participant participates in the race exclusively at their own risk and responsibility (in case of need basic aid service will be provided). The Organizer bears no liability for participants‘ health and life throughout the entire JEŠTĚD SkyRace® Event and/or during any training sessions on the race course or during the accompanying programme.

  • The entire course will be marked; however, all participants shall ultimately rely on OFFICIAL MAPS and/or GPS navigation with uploaded route.

  • Each participant shall be RESPONSIBLE ON THEIR OWN for proper selection of the relevant route base on the map, they shall not rely on navigation from spectators along the race course.

  • Participants may only use their physical and mental abilities to complete the course.

  • Participants are not allowed to use assistance from any other person or a means of transport, such as bike, roller skates, motorbike, car, bus, tractor, horse, and the like.

  • Participants must stay on the marked route of the race – see the race map. It is not allowed to move outside tourist paths and paths marked out by the Organizer.

  • Participants must go through all check points of the race where their chip on the race bib will be read.

  • Only participants who fully and without any reservation fulfill race rules may enter the race. Furthermore, participants must be in good health condition, under no influence of alcohol, drugs or any other narcotics (the Organizer reserves the right not to allow the start of and/or to stop any participant that may present symptoms of excessive fatigue or exhaustion and where there is a significant health risk).

Grounds for Disqualification

  • Failure to pass through the check point
  • Loss of bib with the chip
  • Deviating from the race course – taking shortcuts
  • Not finishing the race
  • Not observing the mandatory gear requirements
  • If the participant is found out to have willfully polluted and/or damaged the environment

Governing Conditions

  • Participants shall respect traffic rules, i.e. Act No. 361/2000 Sb., Road Traffic Act.
  • The Organizer shall not be liable for damages caused to and/or by race participants.
  • The Organizer has not taken out any special insurance to compensate for damage caused by participants in connection with their participation in the race.
  • Participants are prohibited to throw away any waste during the race.
  • Participants shall be maximally respectful to nature of the Ještěd Ridge area and to sort out waste at refreshment points.
  • The Organizer reserves the right to stop the race at any time or to respond to unforeseeable situations to ensure safety for all participants (e.g. sudden change of weather conditions, storm, strong wind, windfallen trees, predator’s attack, etc.).
  • The participants consent to the fact of being photographed and that their pictures will be available online on the Event website and social media.
  • The participants hereby consent to Organizer’s use of the drone at the event for the purpose of race area and race courses monitoring and enhancing race participants’ safety.

Canicross Races

  • Any aggression on the race course shall result in disqualification!
  • Unrespectful and aggressive behaviour towards the dogs shall result in disqualification.
  • Entering the race with earphones shall result in disqualification.
  • The dog must be older than 12 months as of the race day. Dogs racing at SkyRace® course shall be older than 24 months.
  • Dogs with cropped ears are not allowed in the race.
  • Dogs must be in harness and must be attached to the runner by an elastic line throughout the whole race. The line shall be of a maximum length of 2 metres; which will be subject to random checks by the Organizer.
  • A runner may only be attached to one dog during the race.
  • Participants shall present at the registration with valid vaccination card. Rabies vaccination is mandatory.
  • Be sure to arrive at the registration at the latest 15 minutes before its closing time.
  • Participants shall be prepared in the start area 5 minutes before relevant starting time.
  • They will be aligned in a line by the race staff.
  • At the start your dog must be leashed. Chip shall be placed on your ankle and canicross bib shall be visibly placed on the chest.
  • Any aggression of the dog during the race (not only biting, but also dog’s attack, growling, etc. towards another competitor and/or his dog) may result in disqualification. The Organizer shall always hear both parties.
  • The Organizer reserves the right to change rules and regulations without prior notice.
  • By sending the online registration in the race, participants accept the race rules.
  • Furthermore, participants consent to and fully acknowledge that they compete at their own risk and are liable for any damage caused by them and/or their dogs!
  • Furthermore, by sending the online registration, the participants grant their consent to any use of audiovisual material of their persons and their dogs taken during the race for commercial purposes of the Organizer and his partners (third parties) with no limit in time and/or location.
  • Upon registration, participants aged under 18 years shall present a consent of their parent or guardian, duly filled out and signed.