ACCOMMODATION – always until the places available have been sold out! (everything within the Event premises)

Hotel Můstek

MŮSTEK Hotel directly in the Event Centre building

  • Rooms with 3 / 4 / 5 beds
  • Total capacity - 32 beds
  • Price – CZK 950 per person (accompanying person: CZK 1,200)

Party Cottage

Heated private cottage for 4 - 5 persons (next to the main building at the Event Centre)

  • You will need a sleeping bag + roll mat
  • Total capacity - 70 places
  • PRICE – CZK 650 per person (accompanying person: CZK 850)


I love sleeping in a sleeping bag with a view of ski jumps and the Event centre from the window (in the main building big room at the Event Centre)

  • You will need a sleeping bag + roll mat
  • Total capacity - 85 places
  • PRICE – CZK 450 per person (accompanying person: CZK 600)


I like my sleeping bag and I don’t mind sharing my room with a higher number of other people (in the main building big room at the Event Centre)

  • You will need a sleeping bag + roll mat
  • Total capacity - 57 places
  • PRICE – CZK 350 per person (accompanying person: CZK 500)

Harsh Guys Option

SLEEPING IN YOUR TENTS – show us you are truly a harsh guy! (directly under the ski jumps)

  • You will need a sleeping bag + roll mat
  • Total capacity - 100 places
  • PRICE – CZK 280 per person (accompanying person: CZK 400)

Why do I have to book accommodation?

  • We want for all participants to have “dry pits” available for their personal belongings, for rest, changing their clothes, etc.

  • Even in case a participant has signed in the SOLO race and wants to run/walk for the whole 24 hours, you never know what can happen. From our experience we know there are just very few people able to compete for the whole time, the majority just need some time for rest. After all – you will feel tired!

  • Given the limited capacity of the large tent, it is not possible for runners to have rest there and make their pit stops. The Event tent is mainly intended for refreshment, short breaks, social gatherings, etc.

  • Thank you for your understanding.


  • Accommodation before and during the race is organized in the Event centre (Ski Jumping Premises).
  • Upon registration, each participant is obliged to select one type of accommodation offered, so that all participants have some “dry pit stop” available for them.
  • For teams, the team leader selects accommodation for the whole team.
  • All accommodation facilities are within the Event Centre.
  • All types of accommodation will be booked by JEŠTĚD 24 Organizer.
  • Participants will book their selected type of accommodation only in the entry form.
  • Participants will be assigned to the accommodation facilities by the Organizer.